Notice of Intent to Approve the Proposal (Construction of Concrete Embankment for Ponds 4 and 5)
Submited By : CFPCC
The Government of Nepal gives priority on food security and poverty alleviation through developing various sectors of agriculture including fisheries and aquaculture. Nepal is an agricultural country having 66 percent people directly engaged in farming. Aquaculture and fishery is one of the fastest growing agriculture subsectors in Nepal. The current total national fish production is 113,736 Mt of which 20 % is contributed by capture fisheries while 80% is from aquaculture. Fisheries sector contributes about 1.83% in Agricultural Gross Domestic Production and 0.44% in Gross Domestic Production. History of Nepalese aquaculture is very short however; catching fish from nature is being practiced since ancient time. At present, the availability of fish in least developed country is 11 kg but in Nepal, it has very low 3.9kg. However, fish as a protein-rich food is acceptable to every level of the population. Domestically produced supplies of fish are primarily from simple traditional capture fisheries in rivers and lakes 21000 Mt and fish culture in the private and governmental sector 92,736 Mt. Thus, the production of fish in Nepal is still at a very low level, being very rich in water resources.
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Submited By : CFPCC
Submited By : CFPCC